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Your stewards are your direct point of contact if you have an issue. One of your elected representatives, who are also part time faculty, are available by phone or e-mail to talk you through an issue or clarify contract points. And if we don’t have the answer, our job is to get it for you. You can always contact us. Using the main e-mail address will get your questions and concerns routed to your union reps Steward Contact Form Having a union and a contract should not be confused with having an outside organization solve our problems for us. We are the union, and a system of stewards is an important part of that self-empowerment. Our stewards have been instrumental in resolving many grievances. This reinforces the importance of making sure we all work to have adjunct and part-time faculty involvement within every university department. Our goal is to have stewards from every department. If your department does not have a steward, you can help by becoming one yourself, or by helping us find someone to nominate. Our local holds steward training sessions for everyone interested in learning about grievance handling, and other aspects of being a shop steward. Please contact us via this form to learn more. If you have an issue or potential grievance, please see this page. Welcome | Volunteer | Become a Union Steward | Voluntary Contribution |Update Contact Information |