Spring 2025 Special Election GuidelinesIssued by 7902 Election Committee for the Spring 2025 Special Election
Cate Fallon (co-chair), Anika Sharma (co-chair), Robert Ausch, Riley Dunbar Alexander King (ex officio) The nomination and election of 7902 officers and other elected officials will be conducted in accordance with the UAW constitution, 7902 bylaws and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as amended. Per Article 38, Section 10(c) of the UAW constitution, “All elections shall be held under the supervision of a democratically elected Election Committee.” Subsequent committees are not bound by the supervisory decisions of the current committee. Fair elections require that the same rules apply to all candidates. The committee cannot ensure that the effects of these will be the same for all candidates. Elected officers will serve from when they are sworn in at the first Joint Council meeting following the election until the next triennial election in 2026. Candidate Eligibility
Nomination Process
Meeting with the Candidates
All members in good standing are eligible to vote and shall receive a ballot. Membership in good standing in Local 7902 uses a two year lookback. So in this election, to be a member in good standing means:
Election Notice
Challenging the Election Any member may challenge the results of the election by filing a protest in writing to the recording secretary, provided that it is raised within 7 days of the election or at the first membership meeting following the election, whichever is later. Protests filed at a membership meetings need not be made in writing (see UAW Constitution Article 38). The election committee will make every effort to produce a written report reviewing the election by the first Joint Council meeting following the election. The report will be made available to all rank and file members upon request. In the spirit of solidarity and unionism, the committee encourages candidates and their supporters to focus on the positions they take and the issues at play rather than focusing on personal attacks or procedural minutiae. The aforementioned rules are not inclusive and the committee reserves the right to add additional rules or clarify them as needed during the nomination and election period. Important Dates February 12 Informational Session on Open Positions February 28 Meeting with the Candidates (only if there is a contested election) February 24 Period begins for candidates to inspect the membership list February 28 Deadline to submit Candidate Statements and Portraits (11:59pm) March 14 Deadline to submit Candidate Literature (11:59pm) March 17 Candidate Forum April 8-10 Election April 11 Election Results Announced |